Sunday, March 24, 2013

Designing Pornotopia

Jorge Rosales
March 24 2013          Designing Pornotopia
ART 301
            In “Designing Pornotopia” we get a very important message which is that we need not to only change the way design is used but change our own mindsets. In order for design to change and how it is used we must first change our mindsets. If we try to change design before changing out mindsets than the design work will still be the same that we created before trying to create change.                                                                                              An important aspect that comes up I think is when the author mentions the street as a place where we already incorporate commercial in. This is important because if we want to create change in the world it must begin with aspects of community. You cannot just send out one broad message to the entire world without taking into consideration how the space in their surroundings is set up. The street is considered a public space yet often we see capital advertisements surrounding it and us. I think that changing our mindset goes along with changing our surroundings and taking ownership of that public space and no longer allowing dangerous, capitalist propaganda to take over our public space.  

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