Monday, March 4, 2013

Week 3 response

I think Amnesty International is a big, important example of Design and Social change because they are a group that raises awareness for things that usually go unnoticed or are seen but easily ignored. An example is this image which shows children on a seesaw with weapons yet it is the same sign we see near playgrounds. I think it is interesting that they chose a common image which is slightly edited to convey such a powerful message.

The 2nd example of design and social change I think is fairly important is the floppy disk. Although not very artistic looking or beautiful, the floppy did function exactly the way it was supposed to. It was a small, portable way to carry information from computer to computer. It revolutionized the way we exchanged files and memory in our computers and giving way to a more portable form of media sharing that had not been available before its commercialization.                                                                                                  

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